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February 2, 2010
Arizona's Heart Attack Grill takes an unorthodox approach to marketing

Does anyone else remember Death cigarettes? They featured a skull and crossbones as the company’s logo and, if memory serves, they were upfront about the dangers posed by chuffing on tabs. According to Wikipedia, the company that made them stopped trading a little over a decade ago but a couple of enterprising American burger joints are making waves by marketing themselves in a way that the manufacturers of Death cigarettes would have appreciated.

According to this eye-opening story in The Telegraph, the owners of the Heart Attack Grill in Arizona are in dispute with the owners of the Heart Stoppers Sports Grill in Florida over alleged copying of each other’s medical disaster menus. Apart from the irony of the ‘Sports’ part of the Florida restaurant’s name, I love the way that both places have taken a robust approach to personal responsibility. Like Death cigarettes, the restaurants make no attempt to hide the fact that eating multi-layered burger stacks and buckets of fries on a regular basis is not the best route to health and fitness.

Instead, the Heart Attack Grill boasts a selection of burgers that range from the Single Bypass to the four meat patty stack known as the Quadruple Bypass. Their website kindly offers to feed for free anyone who weighs over 350lbs although they may not get through too many portions of Flatliner Fries before they experience their own version of the Last Supper.

Florida’s Heart Stoppers Sports Grill have put just as much thought into naming their menu items. Anyone fancy some Chilli Chest Pain Fries?