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April 8, 2010
Voters will be hearing a lot of waffle over the next few weeks

Regular readers will know that this blog has always been slightly obsessed with the works of Bompas and Parr, a couple of bright young things who make funeral jellies, vapour cocktails and punch bowls the size of houses.

I wouldn’t say they are mad but, on occasion, they do make Heston Blumenthal’s more exotic ideas seem a little plodding.

Their latest wheeze is to open an election-themed pop-up restaurant called The Parliamentary Waffle House.

Much like political party policies, details are rather sketchy at the moment but the waffle house is supposed to be opening on Broadwick Street, London on the 22nd of April.

According to their website, each item on the menu will orderable in a variation corresponding to one of the three major political parties.  Orders will feed directly into a live action swing ‘o’ meter that gages the mood of the country as people vote with their mouths.

The Parliamentary Waffle House will also house the Museum of Food Versus Politics which will include exhibits such as Tony Blair’s face on a melted cheese sandwich, a guide to the infamous Thatcher egg diet and a wrapper which is supposedly from the notorious Gummer burger.

How long before the first election themed menu is spotted around these parts? Obviously, anything containing haggis would be branded as a Big ‘Eck special. In her BBC blog, Emily Maitliss has wittily suggested that Eton Mess might work for the Tories while the Prescott Punch could represent Labour.

Your own party political themed menus are welcome.