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October 7, 2010
Are you 'irredeemably frivolous'? You'll love these.

Next week is National Chocolate Week which has led to the blog’s inbox being flooded with sugary nonsense.

One of the daftest is a release from Prestat, chocolatiers to the Queen apparently, who have come up with a guide to what your favourite chocolate says about you.

According to the guide, fans of Prestat’s Pink Marc de Champagne Truffles tend to have the following traits:

‘You are irredeemably frivolous and proud of it. You love life and, when you’re ‘on form’, you will be the life and soul of the party. Accusations of you being shallow or fickle are obviously unfair, though they may, on reflection, be at least a teeny-weeny bit understandable.  After all you are almost certainly much more into shoes and gossip than politics and dull documentaries. You do have a serious side though, even if you prefer not to show it very often – unless you are in a bad mood, in which case a full-blown drama may well ensue…’

Strangely enough, they don’t seem to have a chocolate for grumpy bloggers who have had a sense of humour failure.

Compared to this chocolate personality guide, the idea that your star sign defines your character suddenly begins to look like a cold hard fact.