Photo of
October 26, 2010
Team Scotland and their winning cocktail. The costumes? Your guess is as good as mine.

Back in June, we told you about the Scottish heat of the 42Below Cocktail World Cup.

After a hard fought afternoon of mixology, Nick Reed from Raconteur, Aaron Jones from Rick’s and Ben McFarlane from Tigerlily formed Team Scotland and went through to the National Final in London.

Well, Team Scotland only went and won the People’s Choice Awards which means that they go through to the final in New Zealand in March next year.

They won it with a cocktail called 42 Shakes of a Lamb’s Tail and, if you want to try and recreate it at home, then the recipe follows.

Nope, I’m not entirely sure about how you go about making an Irn Bru reduction either. Boil it?

45 mls 42BELOW Passionfruit

10 mls Licor 43

10 mls Irn Bru reduction

15 mls fresh lemon juice

15 mls lime juice

15 mls milk

15 mls cream

20 mls raspberry syrup

Dash of free range egg white


42 below Kiwi mist

Side Serve:

Home made lamb and mint Hot Dogs (sausages in bread)