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November 30, 2010
The lesser spotted Heston pudding: worth more than its weight in gold

The blog is not sure what to make of the story about Heston Blumenthal’s incredibly rare Christmas pudding. Apparently, Waitrose have nearly sold out of the chef’s £13.99 Hidden Orange Christmas Pudding.

The result is that the puddings are being resold on eBay and are attracting offers in excess of £100. Maybe it’s some sort of collective panic as people look across to Ireland, see the financial mess they are in and cast about for some sort of safe haven for their savings.

Traditionally gold was always seen as a safe port in times of economic storms but it looks as though a pantry full of Heston’s puddings might offer a better return. At least up until Christmas.

Perhaps I’m being cynical but this smells to me like a canny PR story.

Mind you, last night the BBC reported that the Waitrose in Morningside was planning to close at 5pm. Ostensibly this was because of the bad weather but perhaps the store feared that they were about to be looted by a Morningside mob desperate to get their hands on Mr Blumenthal’s Hidden Oranges.