Photo of
November 30, 2010
Portobello Beach today: if you're drinking meths

This blogger spent last week in Tenerife trying to catch a little sun before the Scottish winter kicked in properly. You can imagine my happiness when I came back and had to swap my bathing costume for a pair of longjohns.

The snow has disrupted a couple of events that would have been of interest to the dedicated scoffer. This weekend’s Food and Drink Festival, which was to have taken place at Glengoyne distillery, has been cancelled.

If you are on the other side of the country then Foodies Festival at the Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh is still very much on. It kicks off on Friday and 5pm readers can get 2 for 1 tickets here.

Another victim of the weather is the World Scotch Pie Championships. We were all set to report from the awards lunch which was due to take place today but, for the first time in the event’s twelve year history, the awards have been put back until January.

But fear not, when the pie news breaks, the 5pm blog will have the skinny on the winner.