Photo of
November 5, 2010

All the tastiest bits of south west Scotland will be on display this weekend at the Taste of Dumfries and Galloway event.

Held at the Kirroughtree visitor centre in Newton Stewart, it promises butchery demonstrations; chef demos, cupcake workshops and a Ready, Steady, Cook style face-off between local restaurant chefs.

Natch, there will be plenty of the region’s food and drink producers displaying their wares and an insider has given us a tip-off about one of the event’s possible highlights: freshly baked scones.

You heard it here first.

If you want to make a meal of it then you might want to check out Blackaddie House Hotel in Sanquhar. The 5pm member restaurant is run by chef Ian McAndrew who has rather an impressive CV and has helped train the likes of Andrew Fairley, Tony Borthwick and Paul Kitching.

The 5pm offer gives 15% off the restaurant menu. There is a sample copy here.

Chef McAndrew's work: has fish ever looked so handsome?