Photo of
December 2, 2010
A Frenchman yesterday

French cooking might not be the dominant force that it once was on Britain’s restaurant scene but there’s still a lot to be said for a decent coq au vin.

A couple of Edinburgh’s best known French restaurants are defying the snow and opening new premises. The ever chirpy Pierre Levicky, founder of the Pierre Victoire chain, has opened a new branch of Chez Jules on Cockburn Street.

Many moons ago, when this blogger still had hair and could fit into a pair of 28 inch waist jeans, the original Chez Jules just off Cockburn Street was a firm favourite as it offered bistro classics at easy to swallow prices and plenty of pleasantly rough red wine.

The 28 inch waist jeans are a very vague memory but the Chez Jules offer hasn’t changed much.

Sticking with Edinburgh, Cafe Marlayne have closed their Fishmarket Close branch and popped up on Antigua Street just down from the Playhouse.

Natch, 5pm has oodles of cracking French restaurants on the books so if you fancy a bowl of boeuf Bourguignon or a saucy little steak frites then click here.

L’Escargot Bleu on Broughton Street is a big fave of mine, not least because it’s only a ten minute walk away. They are holding a cheese and wine tasting at L’Epicerie, the French deli below the Broughton Street restaurant, on Fri 10 December, 4-9pm.

Susannah from Hervé Mons Cheese Ltd and Philippe Larue from L’art du Vin Edinburgh will be holding forth on the glories of French fromage and wine.