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December 7, 2010

I can understand why I’m being sent press releases about January detoxes but surely it’s a little too early for the Valentine’s Day onslaught to start?

My inbox has just been hit with a PR offering Indonesian, Italian and Indian recipes to tie in with the DVD release of Eat, Pray, Love on February 7, just in time for V Day.

Any film about people ‘finding themselves’ makes me feel nauseous rather than hungry. And sending this stuff out at the beginning of December? All a bit needy if you ask me. Could go a teeny bit bunny-boiler.

As an antidote, I recommend this spoof article called Manly Man Food for Men. I suspect that its author is trying just a little bit too hard but this line about the gender politics of honey garlic chicken wings made me titter (in a manly way, obv):

‘When you get wings you have to make sure you get the hot wings and make sure everyone knows it. Like sometimes you might be offered honey garlic wings. DON’T FALL FOR IT. Honey garlic is like poison to real men, because if you eat honey garlic wings everyone will think that you aren’t man enough to eat the hot wings.’

Yeah, right on, bro. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go scratch my back hair with barbed wire.