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December 13, 2010
This doesn't have to happen to you

Now that the snow is beating a retreat, if only temporarily, the Christmas party season can get underway again.

This year, retailers, especially Amazon, have tried to import the American idea of Black Friday, the Friday after Thanksgiving which marks the start of the pre-Christmas sales.

In the British bar and catering industries, Black Friday has traditionally had a different meaning. It is the Friday before Christmas and usually it is the biggest day for office lunches, Christmas parties and festive drinks.

Bars and restaurants like it because the tills don’t stop ringing but it does bring its problems.

People who don’t normally drink very often go out on the town with sometimes messy results. Even those hardy souls who like a regular glass or two can be surprised at what has happened by 7pm if the party started at lunchtime.

So how do you avoid a sore head the next day?

It’s difficult. After much research the blog recommends:

Drinking white wine rather than red

Steering clear of dark rum, brandy and whisky

Drinking a glass of water between alcoholic drinks

Trying to stick to lower alcohol beers rather than super-strength Continental brews

Not drinking on an empty stomach

Stay away from buying rounds

Painkillers, antacid tablets, coffee, water, a fry-up, orange juice, more sleep, fresh air and yet more water can all help lessen the after effects of a big night out.

The Telegraph has had the bright idea of asking medical professionals how they cope with the morning after the night before. There are some good ideas in there although I’m not sure about downing the salt and sugar solution.

What’s your favourite hangover cure?