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March 8, 2011
A Cheshire pie

The blog never likes too stray too far from a pie-based story and is delighted to announce that this is British Pie Week.

A celebration of all things with a crust and a filling, there are loads of pie recipes here.

Last December, the blog predicted that the humble pie was in a for a renaissance. While it is still the subject of vulgar football chants for the time being, it would seem that the pie is in line to be elevated to gourmet status.

We hear that a veteran Edinburgh restaurateur is considering a new pie-based venture in the West End of the capital. Apparently, pies are being tummy-tested as you read.

Nothing has been signed as yet so it’s all still pie in the sky but, as developments unfold, we’ll bring you the piping hot pie news.

Incidentally, thumbs up to whoever it was who yesterday tweeted that British Pie Week comes along every

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