Photo of
March 7, 2011
The Labyrinth by the Scottish artist Gerard Burns hangs on the wall at Surf 'n' Turf

Gordon Yuill has added a new operation to his existing Merrylee Road restaurants. As the name suggests, Surf  ‘n’ Turf majors on seafood and beef.

The MacDuff beef is available as ribeye, sirloin, fillet or chateaubriand while the fish dishes, from MacCallums, include a seafood platter, lobster thermidore, grilled langoustines and the fish of the day.

Apparently, Yuill has added Surf ‘n’ Turf to his existing bar and brasserie at Merrylee Road because he felt the area was crying out for a destination restaurant.

‘I wanted to open somewhere that feels very special, where customers will be looked after really well, where they can celebrate a special occasion,’ he says. ‘A buzzing, lively brasserie is great fun but it’s not always what people want for an important birthday, a date, a celebration with family or friends. Now we can offer both.’

Surf ‘n’ Turf joins the brasserie, the piano bar and the landscaped smoking terrace at the Merrylee Road premises in Cathcart.

Taking pride of place in the new venture is The Labyrinth by Gerard Burns. A rather haunting picture, it shows a young girl holding a Saltire and standing by an impressive Charleroi.

‘This fantastic piece of work sums up everything Surf ‘n’ Turf stands for: the finest Scottish beef, supporting local produce, supporting contemporary Scottish artists,’ says Yuill. ‘We want to serve food that was grown here not flown here and we want to bring the work of living artists into our restaurants for everyone to enjoy.’

128 Merrylee Road, Cathcart, has been open since 2009. It offers four venues in one destination: Surf ‘n’ Turf, the brasserie, the piano bar and the landscaped smoking terrace.