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March 9, 2011
Sunday roast with all the trimmings. Lovely jubbly.

The blog recently received a fascinating but worrying press release about the nation’s favourite foods.

It was from an outfit called The Fat Panel which may sound like a Channel 4 game show but is actually a group of dietitians, doctors and nutritionists.

Sponsored by the Margarine and Spreads Association, their job is to try and tell the public about the benefits of oils and fats as well as warning of some of the potential pitfalls.

Apparently, a Sunday roast with all the trimmings is the preferred nosebag for some 35% of people. No real surprises there and that also goes for the report’s findings that Chinese and Indian food are top of the takeaway tree with both cuisines scoring around 30% of the popularity vote.

More interesting was our antipathy towards cooking from scratch. According to the survey, only 20% of people do it every day. Half of the people surveyed said that cooking from scratch took too long. That’s arguable but I can see where the idea comes from.

What I couldn’t get my head around was that 13% of the people surveyed didn’t cook from scratch because buying ingredients for home cooking is too expensive.

What? Compared to what? Dumpster-diving? The cost of food is rocketing but I can’t see how eating out or getting a takeaway every day is going to work out more cheaply than a bit of sensible, simple home-cooking.