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August 9, 2011
Metropolitan: gearing up for Christmas

No? It can’t be? Good grief. The 5pm blog has received its first Christmas PR and we still haven’t vacuumed up the tinsel from last time around.

If we had a prize, say a bag of chocolate doubloons from last Christmas, then we would send it to Metropolitan in Glasgow.

Beating everyone else to the finishing line by, hopefully, at least two months, the Merchant Square bar and restaurant has announced its Christmas menu.

Apparently, it’s never too early to think about roast turkey, stuffing and Christmas pudding and, I guess that if you are the poor soul charged with organising the works Christmas lunch, then the more advance warning you have the better.

Christmas lunch at Metropolitan is served from noon while dinner is served from 5pm. Christmas lunch costs £19.95 Sunday to Tuesday and £24.95, Wednesday to Saturday while Christmas dinner costs £29.95 Sunday to Tuesday and £34.95, Wednesday to Saturday.

Organisers who book before the 31st October will receive a £10 voucher to use in the restaurant or bar before the end of November – and, on the day of the meal, each guest will receive a £5 gift voucher for use in the New Year.

If Christmas still seems a very long way off (I hope to leave it at least four more months before thinking about what to buy my mother) then you can you can test drive Metropolitan’s cooking by trying their 5pm offers.

Among other deals, they are currently offering 30% off their bar menu when you book through 5pm.