Photo of
February 19, 2013

Just a slip of a post to point out that the Institut francais in Edinburgh is hosting two screenings of Entre les Bras: la cuisine en héritage.

For decades, Michel Bras has run the kitchen at Bras in the Aubrac region of France. Awarded three Michelin stars, Monsieur Bras is one of the high priests of French gastronomy.

In 2009, he decided that the time had come to pass the reins to his son Sébastien.

Entre les Bras observes the transition. It’s in French with English subtitles. It’s subtle and, if you have any interest in high end cooking, it is fascinating to watch.

There are two screenings. One at 6.30pm this evening and another tomorrow morning from 11am. Both are free admission.

This trailer will give you a little taste of what it’s all about.
