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March 22, 2013
Snakebite: it's back
Snakebite: it’s back

The blog is a little shabby around the edges this morning after a brilliant bash at Edinburgh’s Hard Rock Cafe last night. The George Street restaurant was celebrating its 15th birthday and it marked the occasion with the sort of party which has seldom been seen around these parts since the recession hit.

We’ll have more details on Monday. When our heads are a little clearer.

Draught Diesel

Until then we will point out that cider makers Thistly Cross and beer brewers Tempest have combined forces to produce Diesel on draught.

For those who didn’t spend much of the early Nineties shambling around the dance floors of student unions, Diesel is a potent mix of lager and cider made slightly more palatable by the addition of blackcurrant cordial.

Without the blackcurrant, the cider and lager mix is known as Snakebite.

Thistly Cross and Tempest have mixed cider and beer and then added in blackcurrants grown on the Thistly Cross Farm. So, technically, it’s Diesel but they are calling it Snakebite.

Still following?

According to Rich, the man behind the ever informative Beercast, the new brew is surprisingly tasty. He describes it thus: ‘As you would expect, the predominant flavour is blackcurrant, sweet berry fruit and lots of juice. There’s a fair tingle of cider at the end, as some of the apple bitterness comes out. At no point does it taste of alcohol – which, of course, was the original intention.’