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December 11, 2013
[Noodles for breakfast. A surefire hangover cure?][1]
Noodles for breakfast. A surefire hangover cure?

The 5pm Dining blog liked this cheeky wee PR stunt from the Kabuto Noodle people. The company is trialling what it calls the ultimate hangover service – the Kab-U-To Work.See what they did there?

A bespoke taxi service, the Kab-U-To Work is aimed at relieving office workers from their hangover woes.

Hangover cure

The Kabuto taxi will collect hungover passengers from their home the morning after their office party and whisk them off to work Kabuto style. The service offers a ‘hangover pack’ for each passenger filled with the ultimate remedies for the dreaded hangover.

The pack consists of paracetamol, fresh orange juice, mints, sunglasses and, quelle surprise, a pot of hot Kabuto Noodles to eat on-the-go.

The stunt, sorry, service is only available in London at the moment but Kabuto are said to be looking at rolling it out in other cities.

One too many

Obviously, no-one in Scotland drinks to excess so such a service would never work around these parts. However, if Scots ever did have one too many then it would be a brilliant opportunity for Scottish food and drink manufacturers to promote their wares.

Now what would be in a Scottish hangover pack? Irn Bru, obviously. Haggis roll? Hair of the dog?

Being moderate in all appetites, the blog has little experience of hangovers. However, what little wisdom we have collected over the years boils down to this:

1) Hangovers can’t be cured, just managed.

2) Lunch helps. Browse 5pm lunch offers in Glasgow here and in Edinburgh from here.