April 8, 2009
2  minute read

Bacon butties beat the booze blues

In this piece in The Telegraph, Elin Roberts of Newcastle University for Life claims to have proved what many of us have known all along: a bacon butty helps cure a hangover.

According to Ms Roberts, the carbs in the bread and the protein in the bacon break down into amino acids which your body needs to combat the after effects of the bevvy. Scientists have yet to discover whether ketchup or brown sauce works best when treating the morning after the night before.

Hangover cures have been around since the first caveman scoffed fermented berries and then wondered how to stop his head aching the next day. As far back as Roman times, people were recommending cabbage water as a good pick-you-up after a heavy toga party.

Long and painful experience has led me to conclude that painkillers and a swift return to bed is the only way to get over a hangover but if anyone else knows an alternative killer cure then I’d be happy to hear about it.

If you want to put your faith in the bacon butty, then here are a couple of 5pm members that could provide a life-saver. In Glasgow, Fifi and Ally do an Ayrshire bacon buttie and, more specifically, a ‘hangover roll’. In Edinburgh, Porto and Fi have a useful selection of breakfast rolls and the brisk seafront air of their location might help clear a few cobwebs as well.