May 26, 2009
1  minute read

Cardinal sins of service

Ever been irritated by a skiving member of restaurant staff?

Presumably, Eric Ripart has; the laugh-a-minute chef at New York’s Le Bernardin has taken time out from his busy schedule of  tutting and shaking his head at waiters to pen a list of 129 ‘Sins of Service’, which is listed in his book ‘On The Line’.

For the full list, click here.

The server must establish a rapport with the guest (rule 59) but they can’t be too chatty (rule 29).  Weirdly, they must have a sense of humour (rule 33), however,  according to rule 45 they are definitely not supposed to refer to women as ‘the lady’, which is always hilarious. They should make eye contact (rule 41) but no flirting with guests (rule 106).

My favourite is probably rule 60; the server should not appear stressed. What could possibly make the server stressed? Surely not the grumpy chef skulking about with a checklist?