June 8, 2009
2  minute read

Big cat spotted in Leith

Restaurateurs are often colourful characters and Edinburgh’s Brian Donkin is no exception. A gambler, golfer and occasional wearer of Albanian army outfits, Donkin used to own the city’s Oyster bars as well as the Camargue and Cameo bar restaurants.

Known to some people as the Old Colonel, Donkin’s most recent venture is Leith Lynx, a new bar and brasserie on Constitution Street which is but a short stroll away from the Leith Links.

Classic seafood dishes are to the fore on the Lynx menu. Lobster soup with brandy, fresh oysters and smoked salmon are typical of the starters while the main menu includes poached salmon and lobster thermidore.

Non-fish choices include a game pie, sautéed liver and steak. Prices are credit-crunch friendly.

Obviously, Leith is not short of places to eat out. Britannia Spice, Daniel’s Bistro, ESI Brasserie, Khublai Khan’s, La Cantina, Malmaison, Mya, Suruchi Too, Tapa, The Granary and The Raj are all 5pm members should you be on the prowl for a bite to eat.


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Leith Lynx: a new bar brasserie, not a new deodorant fragrance

Pic from Leith Links

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