June 10, 2009
2  minute read

Hell’s bitching

As has been widely reported in pretty much every newspaper, website and blog going, Gordon Ramsay’s Australian trip has been less than bonzer on the PR front. What he did or didn’t say about the Australian TV journalist Tracy Grimshaw is a matter of some dispute. Ramsay denies calling her a lesbian but seems to have apologised for comparing her to a pig. That the famously combative chef should be so blunt is no surprise. Much more of a shocker is that a chef who has forged a TV career on the back of his swearing should be so unimaginative when it comes to insulting people.

Having said that, the Australian PM didn’t do much better. Calling Ramsay a ‘lowlife’ is remarkably tame given the rich diversity of Australian slang. It might have been more appropriate had he called Ramsay a ‘blow-in boofhead who should shut his cakehole unless he wanted an atomic wedgie’.


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Gordon Ramsay: silver-tongued charmer
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