June 18, 2009
1  minute read

Captain James Tiberius Cake

Generally I’m not a fan of the novelty cake.  Maybe this is because I like to eat a cake, and the time that it takes to decorate a novelty cake means that the sponge is past it’s best.  Or maybe it’s because they generally look a bit naff.  Or maybe it’s because my mum makes cakes on a semi professional basis and my childhood was filled with cakes I wasn’t allowed to eat.  Maybe.

Anyway, I am so impressed with all these Star Trek cakes!  My particular favourite is the original series communicator, with ‘Live Long and Prosper Brad’ on a little card next to it.  I think I might request one for my next birthday from my mum.

(Oh, and if you want a smile, go to the original post that mentioned the excellent cake pictured here, baked by the amazing Ace of Cakes, scroll down and read the comments at the bottom.  Especially the angry ones.)