July 6, 2009
2  minute read

Hard as Snails

I had to use that headline, it’s too good to not.

Anyway, today I’m mostly loving this post from the Guardian’s excellent Word of Mouth food blog.  A friend of mine kept African land snails as pets, and then went away to study for 3 months and when she came back her boyfriend had let them breed out of control (instead of disposing of the eggs) and she had dozens of them.  I think she gave them to a local primary school.  Not sure if she would have appreciated the suggestion of eating them.

It’s a point of personal pride that I’ll eat anything, but when I think about it I’ve actually never eaten anything that weird, I’ve never even had a regular snail.  Although given that people who actually like them say they taste of nothing and are mostly just rubbery texture, I’m not particularly fussed.  I think maybe the strangest things I’ve eaten are delicacies from my childhood, like pie in soup (literally a scotch pie in a bowl of tinned oxtail soup, and a standard Saturday lunch), and fried cod roe (from a tin, sliced, breaded in Ruskoline, and shallow fried, a weekly supper at my Gran’s).  My Dad’s special Bernard Matthew’s platter (mini kievs, hamwiches, turkey drummers), served with cheesy potatoes (as they sound) and spaghetti hoops was a rare treat too.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?