July 22, 2009
2  minute read

Out of Africa, In to Edinburgh

The spicy, dry smell of the savannah; the folk tales of the wandering griots and the sounds of African wildlife are not things you would normally associate with St Andrew’s Square in Edinburgh.

Dominated by the Melville Monument and home to numerous banks and insurance companies, it’s more the sort of place where you would expect to find a stiff pair of brogues than African craft workshops.

That is all changing over the next few days as the Amarula Oasis sets up its tents in the Square. A promo for the South African cream liqueur Amarula, the Square is to become a mini African village featuring the Afrobeat sounds of DJ Koichi Sakai along with story-telling and live poetry from Abantu Arts.

Top mixologist Ben Reed has been busy with his shaker and devised a couple of Amarula based drinks to help it all go with a swing. The African Bramble and the Amarula Cream Kiwi sound like rather enjoyable sundowners.

The event is free and open to over 18s. The party gets under way tonight with an invite only launch before opening to the public at the following times:

Thursday 22 to Friday 24th July: 6pm – 9pm; Saturday 25th July: 2pm – 8pm