July 24, 2009
1  minute read

Pie In The Sky

Interesting article on Timesonline covering a hip foodie party down in swinging London, this one based around the idea of a ‘futurist aerobanquet’.

It does seem that these sort of fancy-pants events are catching on (we’ve blogged about a similarly surreal foodie-related event, organised by Bompas & Parr, on this here blog), and the general rule seems to be  ‘the more elaborate and wacky the better’. It doesn’t get more elaborate and wacky than this.

Here’s the low-down; you  are escorted onto a plane, which is pretty much just some tables, by some glam air-hostesses. You have your starters and mains, before the plane crashes. From what I can gather, this comprises of nothing other than some amateur dramatics, and then everyone has a wee jig and a drink.  Then a team of ambulance workers appear and, naturally, in the back of their ambulance they have a jelly model of Barajas airport. Good times all round.

The menu is equally as bizarre, and features planes made of pastry, fish lollipops and, of course, carrot and broccoli jelly.

Blumenthal; so much to answer for.