September 21, 2009
2  minute read

From Leiths to the New Town

Whether beans on toast is beyond you or you need to brush up on your advanced sugarcraft, a new Edinburgh cook school aims to teach cooks of all levels how to improve their kitchen skills.

Fiona Burrell, a former principal of Leiths cook school, announced today that she was to open the Edinburgh New Town Cookery School on Queen Street in early December.

The new school will offer professionals and amateurs the opportunity to study a number of courses varying from cooking basics to six-month diploma courses.

Burrell worked at Leiths School of Food and Wine in London for twelve years before pursuing a career in food writing, styling and education.

Having trained many successful chefs throughout her career, Fiona explains: “It has been a life-long ambition to run my own cookery school in Edinburgh, where I started my career at a cook school on Manor Place some thirty years ago.  I have always been passionate about returning to the city to set up my own venture.”

A conversion of a five storey townhouse, the new school has been renovated to provide a fully equipped teaching kitchen alongside a demonstration theatre with capacity for 50.

Would-be pupils are advised never to utter the words ‘How about we just get a take-away?’