November 16, 2009
2  minute read

What your taste buds says about your politics

It may not be intentional but this survey, which matches people’s political leanings to their food preferences, is very funny. It’s from an American website called Hunch and it’s a gift to anyone looking for political stereotypes.

Perhaps not surprisingly, it seems to find that liberals tend to enjoy more international and exotic cuisines while conservatives often lean towards mainstream comfort food staples.

I’ve taken the liberty of translating this into Bart Simpson speak where it comes out as ‘brie-munching surrender monkeys with pinko tendencies like fancy foreign food while flag-waving rednecks prefer to eat things they can spell.’

I don’t know if their methodology is sound or the figures add up in any meaningful statistical manner but the following made me giggle:

Liberals like pink gin and tonics while conservatives prefer a Fuzzy Navel.

Liberals are more than twice as likely to like arugula (rocket) as conservatives.

For conservatives, 94% of them were more likely to say a Chinese take away when asked what sort of thing they considered to exotic ethnic food. Asked the same question, liberals were 29% more likely to say pan-Asian/French fusion food.

When shown this:

Conservatives were 71% more likely than liberals to know that it is an apple corer. Fifteen percent of liberals had no idea what it was or thought that it might be something related to illegal interrogation techniques yet to be uncovered in Guantanamo Bay.

OK, I made the last bit up but the rest is true. Fortunately for the dinner tables of America both groups could agree that a double bacon cheeseburger was delicious and that salt on the rim of a margarita glass was a good thing.