April 20, 2010
1  minute read

I'd Lava Eat Local

Amid the travel chaos caused by the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland, it seems that there could be a knock on effect when it comes to stocking our supermarket shelves. With the effects of the harsh British winter still fresh in our heads, our own crops of fruit and vegetables are a little behind this year so our supermarkets have been relying on more stock from the warmer climes of Africa and South America to keep us going.

Whilst the supermarkets are yet to report empty shelves, if the restrictions on air travel continue, we may have to look at alternative ways or getting our vitamins. High profile campaigns by Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall have already made many of us more aware of buying local and getting to know the provenance of where our food comes from and I’m sure they will be rubbing their hands that many more of us may be forced to buy local.