June 9, 2010
1  minute read

How much is a loaf of bread?

Keith Allen glowering at the thought of Mighty White

Journalists sometimes ask politicians/film stars/musicians what the price of a loaf of bread is.

The question usually comes after the interviewee has spent a quarter of an hour insisting to the journo that success/power hasn’t changed them and they they are still a down to earth man of the people.

Well, according to reports in The Daily Mail and The Telegraph, the price of a loaf of bread for Liz Hurley, Damien Hirst and Keith Allen is a whopping £21.

Apparently, baker Tom Herbert has developed a super luxury loaf that takes two days to make and uses organic Somerset spelt flour, Cotswolds spring water and Cornish sea salt.

He reckons he sells a hundred of the Shepherd’s loaves every week and the above celebrities are all fans.