September 22, 2010
2  minute read

Secret Supper Clubs

Does anyone remember that scene in Swingers where the main character explains to his out of town friend that the coolest places in LA are the underground venues which don’t really have a name and whose whereabouts are revealed only through word of mouth? The logic being that learning the location of these secret watering holes grants you automatic entry into that small and exclusive club of drinkers whose street cred is such that they can afford to ignore the more mainstream, ubiquitous hang outs.

You might wonder what this has to do with anything, but it turns out that these rules apply to diners as well as drinkers. There has been a growing demand for clandestine dining in recent years with secret supper clubs springing up in the cultural meccas of New York, London… and Clydebank.

Without giving too much away (as this would defeat the purpose of a secret supper club), 5pm has caught wind of local foodies running secret suppers from an undisclosed Clydebank location since May 2010, with the next one being held this Saturday.

Those interested in finding out more should check out Tony’s Secret on Facebook.

Sounds like it could be ‘money’ (apologies again if you haven’t seen Swingers this reference wont make any sense).