November 9, 2010
2  minute read

The Big Question

As regular readers will be aware, the 5pm blog doesn’t swerve the big issues of the day. If there are controversial topics being discussed on the world stage then we are always ready to make our voice heard.

This week, we are tackling Malt Salt.

A salt that tastes of malt vinegar, it has been designed to flavour chips without making then go soggy. The blog was alerted to the existence of Malt Salt thanks to a piece in The Guardian.

It sounds a sensible solution to a thorny problem. Surely no-one likes the acidic potato slush which is left at the bottom of a poke of chips which has been well doused with vinegar?

Closer reading of the article reveals that Malt Salt is made by the American firm J&D’s. No strangers to the blog, we have previously featured their bacon flavour salt and their bacon flavour envelopes.

J&D’s have a mission statement which is ‘Everything should taste like bacon’. It’s a noble sentiment but their launch of Malt Salt might indicate that they reckon the days of bacon domination are over.

This Wall Street Journal article asks if the bacon backlash has started and checks out what other flavours American chefs are using to pep up their dishes.