December 14, 2010
1  minute read

Avoiding turkey terrors

The perfect turkey: not as easy as it looks

So it’s Christmas Eve and you’re wondering when you should take your 24lb turkey out of the freezer.

Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters? Well, you could but you’ll probably get more sense from the people at the British Turkey Hotline.

No, really, such an organisation does exist. Staffed up until 5pm on Christmas Eve, you can phone them with all your turkey-related headaches.

The freephone number is: 0800 783 9994

Previous enquiries have included gems such as:

How can I make the turkey cook quicker this year to stop everyone getting drunk before dinner?

Can I cook it from frozen?

Can I part-cook it then finish it off when I get to my mother-in-laws?

Alternatively, stuff cooking the turkey yourself and let the professionals take the strain. You can find restaurants serving Christmas dinner using our Christmas Restaurant Guide.

Incidentally, if you get to Christmas Eve and you’re 24lb bird is still in the freezer then you’re dead as a Dodo. You should have started thawing it some 48 hours ago.