January 4, 2011
2  minute read

More curry in 2011

Dram! has replaced Uisge Beatha on Woodlands Road

Given Glasgow’s recent triumph as the Curry Capital of Britain, it seems appropriate that the first new restaurant we mention in the 5pm blog is the Gurkha Tandoori, a new Indian restaurant on Gibson Street.

According to the excellent Trampy and The Tramp’s Glasgow of Curry blog, it was to be the venue for the club’s Christmas bash but wasn’t open in time to sate their curry cravings. Instead, they gave the Kabana the benefit of their business and you can read all about it in this typically rollicking blog entry.

The Gurkha Tandoori is also mentioned in Roy Beers’ ever informative guide to drinking and dining in Glasgow’s West End. Mr Beers has just updated his blog and cast an eye over developments in Glasgow’s bar scene.

Possibly the biggest news is that Maclay Inns have redeveloped Uisge Beatha on Woodlands Road. Now called Dram!, it boasts a new look, new menu and Sky 3D sports as well as the huge range of whiskies which gave the place its old name.

Stone baked pizza, fish ‘n’ chips and typically Scottish dishes such as mac ‘n’ cheese and chicken tikka massala (listed as Glasgow’s favourite dish) are prominent on the menu.