March 25, 2011
2  minute read

New Indian in Glasgow

Don't get between these men and a curry

Today’s blog is brought to you mainly by the bearded curry lovers behind Trampy and the Tramp’s Glasgow World of Curry. A crack team of pakora professionals, they are consistently first with all the garam massala gossip from Glasgow and I can’t even begin to pretend that I can keep up with them.

They were awarded the Curry Lovers of the Year award at last year’s Scottish Curry Awards. I can’t compete with that.

So, having got the excuses out of the way, I would advise you to go and read the latest installment of their blog.

Failing that, here’s the skinny gleaned from their most recent post.

The Millennium Platter in Partick has gone to the great curry house in the sky but in it’s place is the Rasoi which seems to offer a similar line in reasonably priced spicy treats.

It also seems that The Long Way Home, formerly Ad Lib, at the bottom of Byres Road has turned up its toes. In its place, the Pakistani Cafe is taking shape. We don’t know for certain but expect that it might be related to the Pakistani Cafe in the Southside. Watch this space.