March 24, 2011
1  minute read

Some of the news that's fit to print

Angelina: never has to put her hand in her pocket

Over the last couple of days, the papers have been chocka with reports on a gender dining survey by St Andrews Uni boffins. The base line of their findings is that the more attractive you are, at least if you are a woman, the more likely it is that your male dining partner will offer to pay for your meal.

The flipside of this is that if you are bloke whose features are, shall we say, challenging then the greater the chance that your female dining companion will spring for the meal on the grounds that if she pays then she is under no obligation to see your ugly mug ever again.

As ever, The Daily Record has taken the lead in handling this subject sensitively. You can read all about it here under the touching headline ‘Good news slapface, she’s paying’.

Nurse! The screens!