April 21, 2011
2  minute read

More wedding fever

Union Jack grundies: the appropriate way to support the wedding

Bars and restaurants in Scotland face a little bit of a dilemma when it comes to next week’s royal wedding. There are plenty of Scots who want to mark the occasion, perhaps ironically, perhaps not.

However, not many people up here are likely to be hanging out the bunting and digging out the Union Jack underwear.

The blog liked the cool approach of Glasgow’s Lucky 7 Canteen who have produced a Royal Wedding menu apparently after being tipped off by one of the Buckingham Palace butlers. Their menu, which costs a lucky £17.77 is here.

We also liked their newsletter which points out that Kate Middleton seems like a nice girl and that ‘if it all goes a bit Fergie for her then she can grab a couple of shifts with us’.

Sticking with the wedding, Dean’s@Let’s Eat in Perth is offering a 15% reduction on your bill if you can prove that your name is Kate or Will.

If you aren’t blessed with a blue blooded name then fear not; 5pm can still bag you a bargain. Opus One and The Bothy in Perth are both running tasty deals.