April 22, 2011
1  minute read

Those crazy Yanks/Brits/Scots

Patriotic pants in the US. Hideous trousers in the UK. Two nations divided by a common language.

To see ourselves as other see us is, as Burns noted, always interesting.

The blog recently tripped over this Anglotopia site for Americans that just can’t get enough off of our cute accents, strange eating habits and alternative views on the use of the word ‘fag’.

Check the entries on the food we apparently eat (natch, the deep-fried Mars Bar is prominent); pub etiquette (Don’t ask for a Buttery Nipple) and advice for single women in Britland.

Apparently, British men are shy so American women shouldn’t be shocked if no-one tries to chat them up in a bar. One imagines that wouldn’t be a problem in any Sauchiehall Street nightclub after 1am on a weekend night.