May 19, 2011
1  minute read

£10k to taste beer

They're going to pay someone £10k to drink it

A number of the papers are carrying stories about Budweiser’s latest marketing wheeze.

They are looking for someone to be their beer executive officer at live music festivals. The job is simple: travel around the country delivering Bud 66 to rock stars and superstar DJs at big music festivals.

Naturally, such a hard task deserves executive pay and the beer company are offering £10k for six days ‘work’.

Of course, the papers are spinning it as £10k to be a beer taster and comparing it to the Queensland tourist board advertising a job for a caretaker on a paradise island.

The paradise island caretaker campaign is said to have been worth £50m worth of advertising to the Queensland Tourist Board and Bud are hoping for a similar boost.

A lot of the papers have run with the line ‘Is this the best job in the world?

However, the blog liked UK Cider’s response who asked ‘Is this the worst job in the world . . . for a cider drinker?’