May 25, 2011
2  minute read

Scran ban

Marmite: no longer welcome in Denmark

According to several newspaper reports, Denmark has banned Marmite as it is said to fall foul of the country’s laws on food products with added vitamins.

Ex-pat website Red Herring have harvested a cracking quote from one Lyndsay Jensen, a Brit graphic designer living in Copenhagen. Ms Jensen is quoted as saying that ‘if they want to take my Marmite off me they’ll have to wrench it from my cold dead hands.’

The blog is in the Marmite-lover camp rather than bedding down with the haters but I’m still not sure I’d be prepared to die for my right to smear my toast with the stuff.

Apparently, Horlicks, Ovaltine and Farley’s Rusks are also affected by the ban. I imagine that it’s only a matter of time before serious Marmite-smuggling routes spring up under the North Sea.

It all seems a bit draconian. I could understand if they wanted to ban dessicated coconut aka the Devil’s dandruff but that’s a pet hate of mine.

If you could have any food banned from the UK, what would it be? Petty, unreasonable justifications are just as welcome as well thought-out, rational bans.