January 25, 2012
2  minute read

Book into the Grand Central Hotel

All the stories of the stars are in Glasgow's Grand Central Hotel

Since being officially re-opened by First Minister Alex Salmond last January, the Grand Central Hotel has enjoyed a fresh lease of life. But tomorrow, a new book telling the story of the Glasgow landmark will look back at its colourful history.

‘Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel: Glasgow’s Most Loved Hotel’, written by Bill Hicks and Jill Scott, and published by Waverley Books, tells the stories of the staff who worked there and the guests who stayed there including Mae West, Danny Kaye, Laurel and Hardy, Nat King Cole and The Beatles.

From life below the stairs to tales of the spooky 7th floor via John Logie Baird’s first long distance TV transmission to the hotel , the authors have brought the Grand Central Hotel to life in the words and pictures of the people who know it best.

Laurie Nicol, General Manager of the Grand Central Hotel, had the idea for the book and said: ‘I’ve always loved the Central Hotel. Even when it was lying empty I used to walk past and think it had so much potential. I was delighted when I was appointed General Manager in January 2010 and it quickly struck me that many Glaswegians shared my passion for the hotel.

‘While construction work was underway, it was common for people to wander into the reception area off the street to have a nosey at what was going on. They’d tell me their memories of the hotel and bring in their mementoes – autograph books, pictures, menus – it became very clear that this wasn’t just another city centre hotel and I thought then that the hotel deserved a book to mark its history.’

The new book, ‘Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow’s Best Loved Hotel’ can be purchased directly from the Grand Central Hotel, from Waterstone’s, W H Smith, or online at Amazon for £20.

After a £20 million refit, the Grand Central Hotel has once again become one of the city’s most successful hotels and its Tempus restaurant is a big hit with 5pm users.

Tempus is currently running Celtic Connections Dinearound offer at £15.95 for three courses and a glass of wine.

Tempus restaurant at Glasgow's Grand Central Hotel