February 10, 2012
2  minute read

Going topsy turvy with Hendrick's

Forget Valentine’s for a second. The big storm on the love affair horizon is the 29th of February. Custom has it that on a Leap Year such as this, women can propose to men.

Admittedly, in the 21st century, when women can serve in submarines, such a custom seems more than a little quaint but suspend your incredulity a little – it could be fun.

Never ones to miss a trick, Hendrick’s Gin are getting in on the act with what they are calling Hendrick’s Unusual Month of Reverse Courtship. This is a series of events being held in bars up and down the country.

At each event, two schools will offer guidance for ladies wishing to woo and gentlemen hoping to avoid their advances. The Ladies School of Nuptial Conquest will teach the forgotten arts of courtship so that cunning ladies can seduce the gentlemen in their sights, while the Hendrick’s School of Scoundrels will impart tricks of how to best avoid these advances in a polite and refined way.

The two schools will be at Dragonfly in Edinburgh tomorrow evening. You can apply to attend through their website here. Your blogger went to a Hendrick’s event a couple of years back and had a very colourful evening so if you fancy a giggle I would heartily recommend it.

You can get a flavour of what might be in store from the clip below.

