February 14, 2012
2  minute read

The only way is ethics?

Chickens: be nice to them and win friends and lovers

Ah, Valentine’s Day. A chance to show your feelings for your nearest and dearest; a great excuse for going out for a meal and a cracking smokescreen for all sorts of PR nonsense.

This blogger loved a recent release which started off by stating that looking like Beckham or Clooney mattered less to women than a potential partner’s ethics.

According to the figures, over half of the nation’s women (60%) say that a partner’s ethics are more important than their looks.

Well, doh!

Another, equally daft, way of examining this would have been to ask if looking like Beckham or Clooney would help make someone who had the moral compass of the Boston Strangler seem more attractive.

Anyway, the release did have a salient point which was that both men and women liked potential partners who demonstrated compassion for animal welfare.

The survey was carried out on behalf of the RSPCA’s Freedom Food labelling scheme backed up by another survey run with 30,000+ respondents through TV presenter Sarah Beeny’s online dating site.

The survey revealed that 21% of women think partners who choose higher welfare food – such as Freedom Food or free-range when shopping or in a restaurant – have more sex appeal.

The survey also seemed to show that not caring about farm animal welfare can be a definite turn off:

35% of the women surveyed stated that they would be turned off by a partner who didn’t consider the welfare of animals farmed for food important. The same number said ordering foie gras or white veal in a restaurant is a definite turn off.

So, if you are eating out this evening, the moral of this post is eat ethically or forever sleep alone.