March 12, 2012
2  minute read

Man up, it's Mother's Day

Julia Ward Howe: mother of American Mother's Day

If you ever pondered how Mother’s Day began then click here for an interesting website detailing Mother’s Day customs around the world.

While the more cynical readers might think of it as a fairly modern tradition that owes more to Hallmark than history, its roots stretch back at least as far as ancient Egypt.

Having said that, the modern incarnation, in America anyway, owes its existence to the formidable Julia Ward Howe.

Although she wrote the patriotic Battle Hymn of the Republic, which equates the American Civil War with the Biblical Judgement Day, she was so appalled by the subsequent loss of life during the war that she then made her Mother’s Day Proclamation in 1870 as a mother’s call for peace.

Other governments have been quick to harness Mother’s Day to patriotic causes.

After the First World War, the French government was keen to repopulate the country. They celebrated Mother’s Day by awarding medals to French women who had produced several children. The going rate was a bronze for four or five while eight or more merited gold.

One can’t imagine a mother of eight being overly delighted with a gold gong. The right to vote, equal pay and access to the higher government posts may have been a teeny bit more useful.

All of which has led this post rather far from its original intention of guiding readers towards 5pm restaurants which are offering Mother’s Day menus.

There are 56 offers in place at the last count so you’re sure to find one that suits.

Alternatively, today’s Big Deal offers two tickets to see Moscow Ballet perform Swan Lake at the Alhambra in Dunfermline on Saturday 17 March. The cost of the two tickets is £23.50 instead of the standard £47. You will need to be quick though, there aren’t huge numbers left.