March 29, 2012
2  minute read

Pasty panic

Another quiet night at supperclub in London

In the wake of the VAT levy on hot baked products, the 5pm blog has been enjoying the unedfifying sight of politicians competing to show who has the deepest love for baked pastry products over the last few days.

Naturally, the papers have been dining out on the tale with Telegraph asking if Osborne will regret being too posh for a pasty while assorted Labour heid yins made sure that they were snapped popping into Greggs yesterday.

In its own inimitable style, The Sun has waded into the fray by starting a campaign. Naturally, it’s called Who VAT all the pies?

Your blogger is no stranger to a pie, or even a pasty if one is available, but I can’t help feel that pastygate is getting out of hand.

I was going to moan about the dangers of defining someone by what they do or don’t eat but then I got a press release about a Notting Hill bar which features a rolltop bath which customers can bathe in.

Supperclub on Acklam Road seems to specialise in slightly off-putting theme nights and gimmicks as demonstrated in the pic above.