July 11, 2012
2  minute read

Eat in season

Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead and Nick Nairn launch the eat in season app

You would have had to live under a rock for a decade or so not to have got the idea already but it’s worth repeating – eating food in season is a very good thing to do.

The Scottish Government are pulling out all the stops to get the message across and are currently promoting their seasonal eating campaign with a recipe finder app.

Some of Scotland’s top chefs have contributed to the Eat in Season recipe finder with Nick Nairn, Roy Brett, Albert Roux, Tom Kitchin, Graeme Pallister and Donald Munro among those who have provided recipes for the app.

Nick Nairn said, ‘We all know we should be eating in season, but most of us don’t know what’s in season when. We need a reliable source of information to find the best produce at the best time of year. People can use this app to help plan what they should be eating – and it’s great that it’s free.’

Taking up the baton, Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead added, ‘Fresh, in season food, is tastier, and can often be cheaper as well as healthier. In Scotland, we’re blessed with a fine natural larder on our doorstep and eating seasonal food means we can enjoy it at its absolute best.’

The Eat in Season app will allow people to search for recipes using seasonal ingredients. It’s also linked to the Love Food Hate Waste recipe tool, to help use up leftovers.

The online tool includes around 230 recipes, including those provided by the top chefs.

If you want to see how the chefs do it before attempting your own seasonal cooking, then check out the following restaurants on 5pm.

Nick Nairn’s recipes are to the fore at the Kailyard Restaurant in Doubletree by Dunblane Hydro while Graeme Pallister is the exec chef at both 63 Tay Street and 63@Parklands in Perth.