August 28, 2012
2  minute read

Master your risotto

Mattia Camorani, head chef at Cucina

While your 5pm blogger can see blue skies from his window, the air has turned a little nippy and autumn can’t be far away.

I’m not looking forward to switching the central heating back on but it does mean that the time for hearty, warming meals is coming closer. Risotto fits the bill perfectly but it can be a tricky dish to master.

Fortunately, help is at hand in the form of Mattia Camorani, the head chef who has led his Cucina brigade to victory in the Best Italian Restaurant category at the Scottish Restaurant Awards not once but twice in a row.

Chef Camorani is hosting a risotto master class in Cucina at Hotel Missoni on Wednesday 12 September from 6pm.

Guests will be greeted with Prosecco and canapés before Camorani takes you through a one hour master class on creating the perfect risotto bianco.

Teaming some of his family’s traditional cooking methods with his flair for modern Italian cuisine, Camorani will deliver an easy, informative step-by-step demonstration aimed at giving you the confidence to create the traditional Italian dish at home.

The demo, the arrival drinks and nibbles plus a chance to sample the risotto costs £25 a head.

If you can’t wait until September to try the food at Cucina then you could take a look at their 5pm pre-teatro menu. Including a selection of homemade Italian breads and oils plus homemade petit fours, it weighs in at a very reasonable £16 per person for 2 courses or £19 for 3 courses.