September 5, 2012
2  minute read

Cookery demos at feastRen

Guy Cowan and Ryan James will be going pan to pan in a cook off

The feastRen Food and Drink Festival continues apace in Renfrewshire.

On Thursday, Phil Lewis of The Cook School will be pairing up with Jacqueline O’Donnell of The Sisters restaurant for a demo at Eastwood Park Theatre.

It’s billed as being more of a love story than a cooking demo so expect sparks to fly. A romantic meal is said to be on the menu but it may well turn out that the path of love does indeed not run smoothly.

The show kicks off at 7.30pm with tickets at £10 or £8 for concessions.

On Friday, Ryan James of Two Fat Ladies and Guy Cowan of Guy’s will doing battle in a celebrity cook-off. Each will be given a mystery bag of ingredients to create a culinary masterpiece.

The audience will decide which dish is a hero and which a zero.

Look out for the boys’ celebrity assistants. The show starts at 7.30pm with tickets at £15/£13.

On Saturday night, Michelin starred chef Martin Wishart will be rustling up his signature dish and doing a Q+A with Jacq O’Donnell as well as chatting about his life and work.

As before, kick off at Eastwood Park Theatre is 7.30pm and tickets are priced at £15/£13.

The full programme for the festival can be seen here.