September 27, 2012
2  minute read

Go wild in the country

Ian McWhinney looks at the spoils of a shellfish safari

We realise that it’s a bit of a schlep from the 5pm blog’s Central Belt stronghold but, if you are travelling up north for the weekend, then you might want to investigate the Wild About Food weekend taking place in Gairloch in north west Scotland.

On Friday evening, from 4pm until 8pm (ish), there will be a range of local producers and products showcased at the Myrtle Bank Hotel, including smoked fish, real ale, black pudding & haggis, locally grown vegetables, baking and cakes. There will be demonstrations of seafood/game preparation and cooking, 6pm-8pm.

As well as special menus in local hotels and restaurants, Saturday’s frolics include pop-up kitchen in the GALE centre with demos covering venison, crab and mackerel. There will also be a foraging expedition in the woodlands around Shieldaig with Leon Durbin of Wildwood Bushcraft.

Sunday will see deer stalking with a camera and a Beer and Bees talk at the Old Inn in Gairloch. An informal presentation on the wonders of our buzzy friends will be followed by a honey tasting and sampling of the inn’s real ales.

Weather permitting, local fisherman Ian McWhinney will be taking people out in his creel boat for a shellfish safari. Wannabe sea dogs can help haul up the catch. The idea is that if you catch it then you take it home and cook it.

Some of the events need to be booked in advance. Click here for full listings.