November 22, 2012
2  minute read

Foodies Christmas Festival

It seems a long time since the 5pm blog was basking in the sun at the summer Foodies Festival in Edinburgh. While August is a distant memory, the Foodies Christmas Festival is just around the corner.

Taking place on the weekend of Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd December, the third Foodies Christmas Festival will be held in Edinburgh International Conference Centre from 10am-6pm on both days.

Big Deal offer

Over at 5pm Big Deal today, we are running an offer for one person to get entry to the event on the day of their choice plus a programme for £6.50; a saving of up to 50%.

Under sixteens go free

As long as they are accompanied by an adult, kids under sixteen go free which means that the Foodies Christmas Festival is a great family day out which won’t put a big dent in your Christmas budget.

Star chef demos

The Big Deal has lots of info about the attractions on offer at Foodies Christmas Festival but here’s a summary:

Big name chef demos: Look out for Michelin-starred Jeff Bland of The Balmoral and Mark Greenaway from the Great British Menu

Drinks theatre: tastings and drinks masterclasses covering everything from Champagne and the wines of Portugal to the Twelve Drinks of Christmas from Hendrick’s Gin

A chocolate & ice cream village: Yup, it’s like Christmas has come early

Artisan producers: over one hundred artisan producers and craft food suppliers will be exhibiting. Your Christmas shopping just became a whole lot easier.

You can find timetables for the Chef’s Theatre and drinks masterclasses from here.