March 7, 2013
2  minute read

Dine & Style in Merchant Square

Scrub up for the Fashion Show at Merchant Square

As we have noted before, the blog’s relationship with fashion is fairly distant. Matching socks and a shirt without a gravy stain represent a triumph of haute couture round these parts.

Fashion show

Those with a more developed sense of style may want to book in for The Merchant Square Fashion Show which takes place on Thursday 14th March at, you guessed it, The Merchant Square in Glasgow’s Merchant City.

The show is in association with House of Fraser and is in aid of the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice.

2 course dinner

Tickets cost £25 each and include a fabulous two course dinner in Arisaig. £10 from each ticket go directly to the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice.

This will be a fun evening of entertainment and fashion kicking off at 7.30pm with the fashion show starting at around 8.30pm.

Top brands

Among others, the brands exhibiting include Biba, Mary Portas, Pied a Terre and Moschino.

Entertainment will be from Federation of the Disco Pimp – a very cool funk seven piece funk band and the entertainment will finish at approximately midnight.

Tickets can be bought from here.